
This will be a super short post, because like i said, i am stressed out. I have a comic to produce before the end of next week, a course work due on the 13th of january, and guess what? my birthday is the 13th of January! I know, just my luck right? I mean are God and the Universe really working with me right now? Anyway i am trying my best to finish my coursework before the end of next week, have LILELI ready, and just be further prepared for the competition, all before the 11th of January because absolutely nothing will ruin my birthday weekend!

Wish me luck guys, i have a ton of work to do and i am trying not to get anxious about it all. I mean i am excited about the work because i am genuinely enjoying it all, but it is still a lot of work.

I will definitely have a post up when i’m less busy soon hopefully, updating the blog on if i successfully completed all my work on time, had an amazing birthday, how good and full of content LILELI is, and of course how the bright ideas competition went.

Hope you enjoyed this very brief read!

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